Sunday, March 10, 2013

signs of spring in the garden

as the days get longer and the temperatures climb up and away from freezing, there is a sense of urgency in the garden.  a little voice whispers, or maybe it bellows.  definitely bellows and it doesn't take much to hear the message:  "GET TO WORK AND CLEAN ME UP!!!"
 every where you look, weeds, and wreckage!

 fallen leaves and dead branches

 over grown plants in need of a trim

 a need for repairs and replacements

 things to be removed and stored

in general, a depressing view of an abandoned garden

trash or treasure?  depends on who you ask, either way, an eyesore filled with weeds this morning

even the compost area needs some tlc

and while it is a little overwhelming to do this alone-and yes i was alone since no one came out to work with me (or eat cake with me), there are beautiful sights to be seen if you take the time to look.

 tri color thyme

 bloody dock

 honey bees sipping nectar from rosemary blooms


speedwell blossoms; the tiny native ones are considered a weed but the larger ones, a cultivated variety, can be purchased in pots at garden centers

 clematis awakening and showing new growth

a winter show of color from hellebores

late last spring, we planted some poppies in the shade garden.  i forgot about them and this little one popped up in a walkway to remind me of their presence

 look carefully among the leaves, lungwort (pulmonaria) is blooming

and as always, when i go out to work in the garden, i go with a cake in hand to thank my volunteers.  sadly today, i returned home with the cake uncut.  not one volunteer came out to join me.  to all of my fellow gardeners, we need to fix this garden and i cannot do it alone.  please come on out and join me!
the garden cannot clean itself up, we need to do it and fast, there are only two months to go til the big show!

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