Wednesday, March 23, 2011

garden update-3/20

 sunday was a beautiful day-warm and breezy and perfect for working in the demo garden.  we have begun cleaning out the beds and making way for all of the new growth.  we are also changing some of the gardens a bit so keep checking back to see our progress.
 from the left, brenda, kortney and nancy are working in the rain garden.  it was totally overrun with weeds.  it took most of the time we were there for the four of us to get it cleaned up.

once the weeds were out, i put a heavy layer of leaves in the bed to act as a mulch for now.  we will hopefully have some real mulch soon but until then, leaves it is!

in between weeding the rain garden, nancy was busy tilling the walkways.  we had so much weed growth that we decided to just turn it all under and hope for the best.  the junior beds are being relocated to the new vegetable garden and this space will be an expansion of the herb garden.

two of the raised beds in the vegetable garden.  david plans to use a lot of raised beds to demonstrate small space gardening for home owners.

you know it is spring when the asparagus starts sprouting!

darry and david are determined to get that old satellite dish out of the garden.  if you happen to see a large blue morning glory roll by your house...

and as always, i brought a baked treat.  today it was pineapple jam tarts made with my home made jam.  if you want the recipe, click here

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