it's fall...i'm sad to see summer go and i am not looking forward to colder and wetter weather. haven't we had enough already? we haven't been spending as much time in the demo garden. between the weather and the fact that there isn't much going on in the garden, we have been spending time on other things. we did get out there on the 18th and did a little cleaning up in the beds and around the garden.
the trees around the garden are starting to show some fall colors, and it should be quite a sight real soon!

the mexican sage is still going strong, it is covered with the purple spikes and it still attracts nectar lovers.
one of the sure signs that fall has arrived, the music and molasses festival which is held in the ag center near the demo garden.

we found the chuck wagon to be the most interesting part of the festival.

they were actually cooking the food in cauldrons over a fire and it looked pretty good.

here's the chuck wagon lady dishing up a scramble dog-hot dog with chili over it

the menu

this sheep did not seem to mind the shearing-he just laid there like a lump

many call it molasses but sorghum is a whole different product. it may taste like molasses but it is actually the syrup from sorghum canes that is cooked down. this menonite family comes out every year and they bring horses or mules to press the canes. the syrup is collected in a bucket and poured into an open kettle to be cooked.

the syrup cooking, 5 gallons of juice makes 2 quarts of sorghum.

it's not very pretty-rather green when it starts out but it takes on a deep amber color when it's done.

i don't care what you say, mules have very pretty faces!

they even had goat milking for the brave. somehow, i don't think she was enjoying this...
we seem to be getting out to the garden about every two weeks. catch us next time if you like, there may even be cake to enjoy!
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